The Bell Family

Random ponderings on God, life, and the humor all around us

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Bell Family Update–December 2018

We love December at the Bell house! It’s our time to rest a bit and hunker in together to bond after working hard in school.

We’ve started a Saturday brunch time in the last few months. It’s been the highlight of the day for everyone! Here are eggs in a nest we served one morning.

Party tricks

Children’s Museum fun

Comforting a tender heart who “just wants to stop sinning!” I hear you, little sweetie. *sniff

Cooking helper for December

Displaying articles she wrote this month about her favorite season.

I will sob the day they’re too old for picture books. Which means I’ll never sob. Cause you’re never too old.

My little preschoolers drinking hot tea

Praying with our little boy who was struggling with fear one night

Some of our kids got to make gingerbread houses at the Children’s Museum

We were blessed with free tickets to Winterlights! And some of our friends were there at the same time which made something already amazing a bagillion times better!!!

Ariana and Miriam made Aiden’s birthday cupcakes with zero assistance! I tried to find a picture of the birthday boy from that day, but all we have are videos of him opening presents! Doh!

Ariana helping teach her little brothers

My mom joined a community choir this year, and we got to go to the Christmas concert! She even got to be part of a smaller ensemble for one piece.

We took a day trip to South Bend with my parents where we visited the History Museum, Oliver Mansion, Studebaker Museum, and toured the South Bend Chocolate Factory.

Bill sent me on a five-day retreat to the Abbey of Gethsemani, total quiet and beauty on 2000 acres. While I was gone, he taught my preschoolers, and my mom helped with our own kiddos.

Lost a front tooth for Christmas

Decorating cookies. One guess as to who did the super nerdy one…

When you have a teen, you find images like these often on your phone

Celebrating Christ’s birth! We don’t teach our girls they have to cover their heads, btw…

Scrapbooking day with Nana while boys helped Peepaw in the garage!

He was given sound-blocking headphones. He said they were super relaxing. He said it loudly.

Playdough fun!

Family gifts to burn winter energy

What our monthly shopping trip looks like