The Bell Family

Random ponderings on God, life, and the humor all around us


Bell Family Update–July 2020

Fun July filled with LOTS of friends!!

Bowling date with my man
Pool fun with my parents
Day out with my girls to get manis!
While the boys spent time with books and Bill
We had the most fun July 4th with some awesome people!
First date?
Some of our favorite kids
A glimpse into why
We went on vacation last minute to family camp in Michigan. We barely took pictures! Here we are at a gathering outside one night.
And waiting for ice cream.
Doing crafts the camp provided. They did a great job trying to still make everything fun even though they couldn’t do their normal activities.
Puzzle wall that each family contributed to
We split our family in half to make a competition throughout the week at family camp. The winning team got to pie the non-winning team.
Ariana didn’t go down easily…
Some shamed little girls who decided to ding dong ditch some neighbors and had to apologize. They stood on the porch for a full minute before they rang the doorbell this time!
Two moms and our oldest daughters.
Bill did a trust fall with sixteen kids.
Here’s how it turned out… He’ll be in trauma therapy now.
Helping Nana at the food pantry
Zoo with friends
I don’t know why it cracks us up to buy water in a can. But it does.
Trying on new glasses!
She loves him. He loves her not.
Miriam had her Chronicles of Narnia birthday party!!! This lady was not to be trusted.
I wouldn’t bank on mercy.
Finding Susan’s arrows
Javelin throw
The winner’s of the javelin throw–two Victoria’s!
Breaking the stone table (pinata)
Mini bows and arrows
Pin the mustache on the lion. Ariana painted this!
Hang the clothes in the wardrobe
Pass the snowballs
Pass Mr. Tumnus’s parcel
Catapult the witch’s castle with snowballs
Aslan thawing the frost
Generous friends and lots and lots of presents
Our dear friends moved in right behind us, and most of our kids are in love with their sweetest pup. Our favorite is how he looks out his window at us. He’s seriously the biggest, most precious baby!
Heaven wanted to make a pizza cookie, and Miriam helped her! It looks so much like a real pizza! And it tasted great, too.
Girl play date with friends.
Aquarium day in Chicago!
Walking along the lake in Chicago
Looking out at Lake Michigan
Fighting with pool noodle lightsabers. “You keep accidentally cutting off my legs!”
Bill playing with hair.
Liam getting to celebrate one of his friend’s birthday, complete with hours of gaming.