The Bell Family

Random ponderings on God, life, and the humor all around us


Bell Family Update–May 2020

What do you do on month three of quarantine? According to these pictures, you make lots of weird faces.

Bill and I were playing ping pong. I have no idea what happened that made us laugh so hard, but I love that Ariana captured it.
Still real
The cutest thing about this is that there was a movie on behind them. And they BOTH about halfway through just sat here with books! It was probably a boring movie with lots of kissing…
We feel pretty. Oh so pretty.
Grilling the dogs!
My friends are weirder than yours.
Told you.
It’s been a few years since I got to fold laundry with this lady!
I warned you in the intro…
Malcolm’s 14th birthday!!!!
These pics make me laugh when the little boys are in them because they’re always blowing with the birthday kid.
My favorite person
We went to a lake house for Mother’s Day weekend. So relaxing! It was fun to do a couple of puzzles together.
And we had a couple of chilly pontoon rides…
The kids practiced a song for me and my mother and performed it for us!
Again, see intro…
And the firstborn won’t stop getting older. Ugh.
We had an amazing visit with Bill’s brother, Michael, and one of our nieces, Hannah! I didn’t want them to leave and believe the most responsible move for this girl is to finish her degree in the state of Indiana and live with us. I’m going to wear her down.
We got to do a social distance walk with my mom to raise money to dig wells in Africa.
Unintentional twins!
Showing good form for the crane.
You can pick your nose, and you can pick your friends, but…
We needed at least one masked pic in the update.
Bill and I got a perfect weekend away to the Louisville area for our anniversary weekend while my mother wrangled the kiddos. Here we are at Southern Seminary reminiscing. Flooded with sweet memories!
Eating at one of our favorite restaurants.
We just wanted to point out that the bridge into Kentucky is fine but meh. The bridge into Indiana, though? Fancy, new, and full of hope.
I can’t even write about this couple without tearing up. Fifteen years ago, we lived with them for a year and a half, paying nothing. I went into labor with Liam two weeks after moving in. They taught us more about hospitality and opening our hearts than any other humans have. By far the most generous people I’ve met. They invited us into their home when we were babies and selfish to the core, and they loved us and extended grace at every corner. We love our Halls!
And this is our friend from the pic above, still wonderfully old wearing a calculator watch!
Relaxing in the hotel.
17 years of marriage!
Of course part of our anniversary was spent in masks.
Our traditional Melting Pot anniversary meal.
And then we came home to this amazing restaurant the kids made for us! It was an hour before we hugged our kids because all ten were dressed up, bringing in our luggage and serving us, either in the dining room or the kitchen. Incredibly sweet and perfect!
Two of our servers
And a live performance of a song Ariana and Miriam wrote, complete with 80’s style key changes, drama, and fade out.
She got to wear one of my mom’s masks when they were out for an errand.
Memorial Day with friends
Creek stomping.