The Bell Family

Random ponderings on God, life, and the humor all around us

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Bell Family Update–August 2018

Oh my goodness this month had been filled with amazing goodness!!! Malcolm and Cheyanne’s adoption was finalized, and as a result Bill has four weeks of paternity leave. And we’ve been eating up all the together time!!!

Esther and I got a day to spend together. We walked, shopped, jumped at Sky Zone, painted a bird house, and ate lots of yummy food. Here she is learning to be a master archer.And here she is proving she’s my clone. Dramatic singing to 80’s music in public places.

Cuties creating. Seeing this picture reminds me that I lost Aiden’s glasses not long after this and still haven’t replaced them…

We got to go to the drum corp finals with other band nerds!

Never too early to clean, even if the vacuum weighs four times as much as you do.

Our Cheyanne turned 11!!!

And this little man lost treat, so this is how he forlornly stared at the remains of the cake. 

We started school this month, which meant this beautiful lady and sweet man teaching my kids science!! We loved being at their house every week for science and swimming.

I did some supplemental science at home. My absolute favorite age to teach ANYTHING. I want to see the world through their eyes again.

A friend gave Bill several shirts because he felt like they were more Bill’s style. The friend posed in a pic of himself in the shirt, so Bill mimicked his pose.

Bill played Top Golf with co-workers to see off one of the greatest bosses he could have ever asked for. I’m tearing up writing this even now because he is so dear to our whole family. We love our Matt!!

Bible study with our church family.

One of our closest friends actually got this little cutie to let him hold her. Such a sweet moment!

Mother/daughter super serious pics

Is there a such thing as too many pics of sleeping boys? I don’t think so.

He lost his first tooth. He’s the baby. I’m totally OK with this, but it is pretty dusty in here.

We serve at a transitional housing camp each week. Here’s how the boys spend their time.And here are the girls. OK, the boys serve, too, as can be seen by Malcolm, but when I originally took the pic, it was truly girls serving and boys playing. 

A friend we hang with tons is a chef. He came over to make our family risotto, complete with demonstration and assistants!

Putting together a puzzle in a nature center

Each year, our kids get reading points at the library and earn a day of bowling, laser tag, and mini golf. It’s one of our favorite days of the year!

We spent a day at the children’s museum with our Wednesday son (I babysit him this day). 

Esther the Pooh

A day at Cataract Falls and McCormick’s Creek State ParkGoofing off holding hands

ADOPTION DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Malcolm and Cheyanne’s case worker (she was Heaven and Aiden’s CW, too!) and CASA. Love these women so much!Grafting them in our family treeOur friend, Melissa, director of public events and family programs at the Children’s Museum, came by our house on adoption day with gifts of checkers and Chicken Toss. And then she stayed to play one with us. She is so great!And the staff who work with our kids made these for our family and brought them by for breakfast on adoption day! This still makes me cry. Our family is so well loved by these people, and we are so grateful for each one of them!

I started teaching these cuties preschool this year!!! I thought it might be too much for our family, so this was a trial run, but it has been perfect! Their little inquisitive minds delight me every week, and my kids are loving helping as much as I love teaching.

Fort Wayne ZooShe’s a mama bird feeding her regurgitated food to her chicks…

Indians game–also a reward of the library reading program.

A day on the canal and at the NCAA museum20180831_163511576_iOS20180831_174455980_iOS20180831_181704147_iOS


Bell Family Update–May 2018

I always love May. The beginning of real spring weather with all its smells and beauty. And I’m always ready to see the end of all the busy: school, dance, and after-school programs, to name a few. When these wrap up, things start to feel much less hectic. Bring on the slower days of summer!

One of my dearest friends along with her son designed and gifted us with this picture!!! One of my favorite gifts of all times!20180503_145114245_iOS

Both Bill and my favorite birds: a blue heron and a red-winged black bird.20180503_181720860_iOS

Visits to the Children’s Museum20180503_215019596_iOS

One of our friends teaching at our church’s monthly men’s brunch. Bill and Liam have been enjoying this time with many of their friends.20180505_154610961_iOS

Pillow fights!20180506_191513249_iOS

Malcolm’s first birthday with us!!!20180506_193346558_iOS

Playgrounds galore!!20180507_151909457_iOS

A snake Liam almost stepped on at 100 Acres. Ewwww!20180507_204333132_iOS

Nature creations20180507_205308588_iOS

Getting my baby fix on with one of our friend’s newbies!!!20180508_222554353_iOS

Our buddy I get to have each Wednesday20180509_135931615_iOS

I had a day out with my oldest girlie! This was first of many meals that day.20180510_114544388_iOSWe did archery together!!! We’re addicted now!20180510_151026159_iOS20180510_154755298_iOS20180510_155037429_iOS

A couple of friends came in from Louisville and we got to spend a bit of time with them at our house! 20180511_214816424_iOS

Liam’s 13th birthday party!!!! This group was so fun and I want to keep all of them as mine except that would mean this many tween/teen boys and two is pretty much all I can handle at this point. 20180512_183708094_iOS20180512_183714959_iOSSkyZone!!20180512_192151654_iOS20180512_192456797_iOS20180512_192834753_iOS20180512_193354442_iOS20180512_195536139_iOS20180512_201432132_iOSThe Party-Goers20180512_202056388_iOS20180512_202919421_iOS

Bill rented a pontoon for Mother’s Day!!! Such a gorgeous, relaxing, and fun day!20180513_141902056_iOS20180513_141907889_iOS20180513_144127723_iOS20180513_144354135_iOS20180513_144705264_iOS20180513_151352633_iOS20180513_151430803_iOS20180513_151931376_iOS20180513_152734124_iOS20180513_173244546_iOS20180513_173506233_iOS20180513_173749323_iOS20180513_174504234_iOS20180513_181832681_iOSThey even swam. I think Heaven’s face lets you know how cold the water was…20180513_185008411_iOS

This little neighbor hung at our house for a few minutes one day, and I thought this picture was so sweet!20180514_163623696_iOS

Our first teenager!!! Yay! And sob…20180514_201455845_iOS

Orchestra POPS concert this sweet friend blessed me with!20180518_235720401_iOS

A ministry with which our family is involved had a family fun festival. Ariana got to face paint a bit!20180519_215025958_iOS

Our Christmas present, along with most extended family, to our kids was redesigned bedrooms! They knew they wouldn’t see the present until April or May and had no idea what it was. So much fun getting this together and seeing the delight on the kids’ faces!!! 20180521_144725723_iOS20180521_144751134_iOS20180521_144758374_iOS20180521_144822302_iOS20180521_144832500_iOS20180521_181113106_iOS20180521_181123829_iOS20180521_181135951_iOS20180521_181142025_iOS20180521_220148266_iOS20180521_220159630_iOS20180521_220225766_iOS20180521_220236664_iOS20180521_225712914_iOS20180521_225803222_iOS*This picture makes me laugh really hard because both girls look like they want to cut Bill. In reality, they didn’t know he was there and turned to look right as he took the pic. The next pic he took has them smiling, but I thought this was a much better one to include! 20180521_225834775_iOS

Explorers Celebration at the Children’s Museum! Ariana and Malcolm both graduated this year.20180522_230959552_iOSI love so much that my parents get to be here for all the things!!!20180522_232522418_iOS

Our kids sent us on a scavenger hunt to several neighbors’ homes where they had gifts waiting for us on our anniversary!!! Two of our neighbors especially went all out to help our kids with this. One came up with many of the ideas, and another went all over town and online ordering supplies. Makes me choke up even as I type it! The kids paid for it with their own money. They even had a star named for us!!!20180524_151256942_iOS20180524_151419307_iOS20180524_152058504_iOS20180524_154030501_iOSFamily picnic waiting for us at the end!20180524_154428433_iOS

Strange creatures invading our house20180525_133933671_iOS

I had Lasik!!! The second pic is me during the procedure including my eye on the screen, but I had to include this first. A man brought in his pet monkey!!! So so so adorable!!!!20180525_161056113_iOS20180525_175605201_iOS

Memorial Day fun!20180528_151106789_iOS20180528_160641893_iOS20180528_201037758_iOS20180528_201158169_iOS20180528_235310426_iOS

Family walks20180529_111903230_iOS

This girl is making so much progress on the guitar!20180529_165321932_iOS

Cuties with creations20180531_200137331_iOS