The Bell Family

Random ponderings on God, life, and the humor all around us

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Bell Family Update–June 2020

This month almost felt normal! With COVID still going strong, life is still a bit different, but it’s been sweet that some restrictions have begun to be lifted.

Choir auditions outside in a parking lot!
Pretty hair on her 9th birthday.
This made me laugh so hard!!!
Snickerdoodle Cake
This was her first attempt to blow out her candles. Notice they’re all still lit…
I took my boys to paint wood signs!
While Bill took the girls out walking and shopping.
Lots of water play this month.
Soccer meeting!!!
While the kids played in the fields.
Josiah sporting his green hair preparing to cheer on his siblings in soccer.
On one of our favorite neighbor’s motorcycle.
Barb doing crafts and lessons with the little ones during youth group.
Youth in the basement.
Working hard to win a scavenger hunt sent out by their youth leaders.
Bill got to lead music in a sweet friend’s wedding.
I had a quiet morning outside, which meant I had a buddy. Nothing was wrong with her, btw. She just didn’t know I was taking the picture and was chatting.
Giving blood to the vampires.
Reading and listening at the same time. I’ll never understand you types.
Got to have dinner with one of my favorites!!!! Miss this lady and the laughter and the depth and the way she points me to Jesus.
Again, a quiet morning to myself. They always find me…
And a wound. Because we were playing a game on a parking lot. And I was trying to catch Bill. Which meant I ended up on my back bleeding and cackling.
Hanging with friends!
And playing wonderful games that where we chose a more hands-on approach than the rules called for…
Four Square with my kiddos. And a stray.
And GaGa Ball.
Random selfies.
Water balloon pinata as a family.
A visit from some of our Indy friends!!! It was exactly what my soul needed.
A super serious play the kids performed.
A weekend with my Victoria!!! Getting our nails did.
Bill got some individual time with the older boys while I was out of town with V.
Legos in the hotel room.
LOTS of food.
Picture books are still my favorite.
Cute children’s section at the zoo in Evansville.
Pretty hair.
Decked out in new clothes and accessories.
Getting her ears pierced.
And happy relief!
Hotel pool.
More pretty hair.
Love this little girl who’s growing too fast.
Ariana captured this pic. He’s my favorite laugher.
And this made us all happy because anyone who know Bill knows how much he talks using his hands. This is his classic pose.
Catching up with other kids after my weekend trip with Victoria.
And making up for lost time.
Father’s Day breakfast. I was so proud to get a pic of him and all his kids. Until I realized Miriam was still in bed… Oh well. 90% is an A at the college level!
Yes, Josh. Yes, I do.
Ba dum ch!
New braces!!!
More fun with hair!
Three Esthers in one pic!
Family SkyZone day!
The baby turned 8! Uncle Tony and Aunt Holly got him a giant dinosaur…
And a kite! I love the delight on his face.
And this pic of the kids watching the kite.
They’re so fly.
Meeting friends at Versailles State Park.
This is what 19 kids look like. Three families…
Victoria got her besties a three-part friendship necklace.
Perfect hotdogs.
The kids have assigned drills to get ready for soccer camp. They are 100% leading them on their own, including jogging together each week!