The Bell Family

Random ponderings on God, life, and the humor all around us


Bell Family Update–April 2020

Such a weird time in our history where we’re mandated by government to be quarantined. Probably the fewest pictures we’ve ever had in one of our monthly blog posts, but these pics reflect joy in togetherness. Oh so ready to be with friends and family again, but thankful to God for sweet time with my people and growth in him.

Working on a weaving school project
We made a challenge to take an hour-long walk away from our neighborhood each day in April.
Because of that challenge, we felt like we literally got to watch spring happen! Most Aprils we’re maxed out in stress finishing up our activities and school. What a gift to have a slow April where we got to see God’s beauty!
Kids and water is always bliss
Practicing on bikes in our neighborhood to prepare for a rail trail
Social distancing with some of my besties!
This was made to be climbed
State park day, even if most trails were closed
Easter with our church!
And our Easter birthday girl!!!
I wish I could have a real party…
Day trip with this beauty. Walks, bikes, soccer, Gray Havens YouTube concert, Little Women on the phone, and lots of yummy carry-out!
Selfies for days
The beginning of an adventure!
Twinning with this sweetie
Twelve bikes in a friends’ truck
And the super fun and successful bike ride on a rail trail!
Google Hangouts game night with our church
Choir practice with Daddy