The Bell Family

Random ponderings on God, life, and the humor all around us

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Ariana’s 13th Birthday

To my sweet Ariana,

I feel like now that you’re a teenager I should be better prepared with words of wisdom or some fancy new tradition to mark the occasion or an all-you-can-eat buffet. But alas, this day just seemed to come all of a sudden out of nowhere, and instead I feel as though I’m bumbling around thinking about how undeserving I am to have this gift of a daughter who’s lived thirteen years with joy, kindness, an easy laugh, and as a faithful friend to all who walk across her path.

What a delight it is to be your mama!! Few things bring me more joy than spending time with my children, watching them grow, learn, work through sin, and come into their own personalities. But the part I hoped for without knowing if it would happen was the friendship I have, especially with you older ones. Man, you make me laugh! Your quick wit and love of fun make me feel as though I’ve officially arrived as a parent. Like it’s time to write a book, “How to Raise Funny Teens—One Witty Mom’s Guide.” And though I’m frequently joking about how you got it all from me, in truth you got it all from your big-D Daddy. Christians don’t laugh enough. And we should be laughing loudest and hardest. God created humor, Jesus used humor, and we have a joy that surpasses all understanding of a future hope that we did nothing to earn. We can laugh in Satan’s face, we can laugh with a child-like joy when we see a sunset knowing it was our all-powerful creator who painted it, and we can laugh when witty things are done or said because we have a creative Father who designed this thing called laughter even in teeny babies.

But as much as I adore hearing your glorious laugh, I more love the way you think about and talk about Jesus, and the way you dearly love those around you. You, my introverted girl, have courageously shared Jesus with more people than I could count. It’s hard for you every time, but you do it through the Spirit because you know the good news in your own life, and you can’t bear the thought that someone might miss it in theirs. You embolden me, my sister. On top of that, you have this knack to look for the outsider, bringing them in. You want everyone to know what it is to be unconditionally loved because you’ve experienced that kind of love from God.

I’ve also watched you grow as a leader. You’ve taken off with your younger siblings, taking on the role of oldest girl with love and responsibility, looking out for them with care instead of with the bossiness that was there in your younger years. Your friendship with those closer to your age has brought me to tears more than once. What a gift to have best friends in your brothers and sisters!!! Friendships will come and go through your whole life, but these nine (so far!) people will be part of you forever. And you’re doing good work now to cultivate healthy relationships that will grow even more with time.

Boy oh boy have I seen your gift of music arise! Your dad and I ran from music for a while, afraid of it because of the idolatry it had become in our own hearts. But you, amidst your brothers and sisters, have brought the joy of it back into our home. I get to hear your gorgeous voice every day as you faithfully honor your teachers by practicing as they’ve asked you. I’m floored to hear the music you write on the piano. I could do nothing else for the rest of my life but listen to you guys make stunning music together with something like 28-part harmony. It satisfies my soul when you weep at the lyrics of a well-written song or work to dissect the poetry. You love music, but not for your own glory as I did. You love it because you don’t know how to live without it being part of you. I think you see Jesus most clearly through music, and His song is written on your heart. Thank you, my girl, for helping me find pleasure in it again, but for His sake, not mine.

Lastly, you, along with your other sisters, truly are my best friend. You’ve joked that we’re Lorelei and Rory, but I’m glad to say we aren’t. Though there are many similarities (food, coffee, laughter, and deep talks for sure!), our bond is in something far greater. We aren’t besties just because we’re mother-daughter or because we have the same interests. We’re close because Jesus has bonded us through His blood, not the blood that runs through our veins. You love Him deeply, and our conversations and food and coffee and laughter are grounded in Him. You exhort me, encourage me, build me up, feel freedom to confess wrongs and to open up your secrets to me, all because you’re first and foremost God’s daughter, and so am I. And I’m floored that I get to share this crazy life with you.

I love you to infinity, my Ariana. Keep growing in grace and beauty. Keep loving your big brother, Jesus. Keep loving all you see. Keep being exactly who God created you to be. Nothing is more lovely than that.

Your witty parents,

Mom and Dad


Bell Family Update–October 2019

What a fun month! The first pic below pretty much sums up what dominated the month–soccer!! Both state and national soccer tournaments were this month, and it was such a joy to be with these people who have become family to us. Though Liam still couldn’t play with his healing arm, he stayed with his team on the bench, and we obnoxiously cheered on the sidelines for Liam’s teammates we’ve grown to love.

Getting ready for a soccer parents’ meeting.
We found this piece of artwork on a walk we took! Though we haven’t blogged on our family blog in next to forever, this is very similar to our logo, so we had to get a photo.
My heart still melts with these two.
Showing his Trailblazer spirit! Josiah became a little cutie who led cheers on the sidelines at almost every game.
Liam’s smiling arm that’s healing nicely.
We took a trip to Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio. It was gorgeous!!! Half the kids have full mouths here, but family breakfast the first morning in the cabin.
There was this fun pencil sharpener museum at the visitor’s center.
Lots and lots of gorgeousness in this park!
Coloring Daddy’s hair in the cabin
This pic is my favorite in this post. She noticed Bill was about to take her picture, and this was the moment she tried to stop him.
Crazy huge snake we spotted on a tree.
A fun arcade game in the cabin.
When we got home, our new dining room tables had been delivered. This was the first nutritious meal some of us shared late at night.
This sweet friend is a professional face painter and always joyfully and patiently painted my kids up each game. We love our Judith!
Is this not seriously amazing???
Little guys are practicing sitting on their bums for 30 minutes each day. This was them during one of Daddy’s sermons one Sunday. I’m not bored, you are!
This is just my life at this point. Kids who were looking for an excuse to stay up late kept trickling in to a photo op. There were like forty more pics than this, but these are our highlights. Here we’re doing our 1st/2nd grade school pic, complete with tooth smile.
Prim and proper. This is as prim and proper as Miriam gets.
Sad faces. And sad that Liam and Miriam can’t follow directions.
Closed mouth grins.
Drunk faces. My idea. I’m a stellar mom.
Gross family=real family
Farm day!!
Super candid shot. He’s so serious. And contemplative.
Hay ride! Oh, Miriam…
And the two who couldn’t fit in previous pic.
When a teen lays a pumpkin…
Teeny pumpkin
Giant pumpkin
All six girls joined American Heritage Girls this year. Our family had fun at a bonfire hosted by one of the leaders.
She’s so gorgeous!
My Josiah, what big eyes you have!
Victoria with some of her besties. Love our kiddos’ friendships.
Burger Bell from the Veggie Tales’ Cheeseburger Song. My mother 100% made our kids’ Halloween costumes this year!!! She’s truly the best.
Miriam laid out her candy…
and then took inventory.