The Bell Family

Random ponderings on God, life, and the humor all around us


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Save the whales!
Miriam looking at the menu: It says we’re supposed to have hamburger helper and fried orca.

Glad the Greeks take such good care of their teeth:
Victoria: We went on a field trip to the Greek Orthodontist Church.

Durn contraptions with their complex names!
Victoria: What’s that thing called? That washes dishes?
Aiden: A dishwasher…
Victoria: Oh yeah!

Out of the mouth of babes:
Our friend Marci: I’ve lived in that house my whole life.
Victoria: Whoa! That house must be really old!

The language of the Outback:
Miriam: I know English, but some day I’d like to learn Australian.

Trying to spell “gosh:”
Josiah: Oh, my, G-A-S!

A whole new world:
Liam after learning that women have periods: It’s like Bruce Wayne telling his girlfriend he’s Batman or Harry Potter finding out he’s a wizard. This whole other world has been going on all around me and I had no idea it existed!

A wise young man:
Liam: Here’s what’s annoying. Girls know most things about boys, but boys know nothing about girls.

I don’t think you know how this works:
Liam: I get my straight hair from Aunt Lisa [Lisa is Bill’s brother’s wife, so no shared DNA with Liam]

What if it’s a mama?
Aiden: I don’t know if this is a baby tooth or a Daddy tooth.

So close:
Victoria: Did you know the teddy bear was named after Franklin Roosevelt?

Her biology teacher is the best:
Bill: Feel free to look at the back of your eyelids.
Miriam: That’s impossible!
Bill: What do you think you do when you’re sleeping?
Miriam: Don’t our eyes roll to the back of our heads???

Have a smooth trip:
Miriam: I was dancing and realized, “I’m going to fall.” Then I did fall, but I didn’t feel it because it was so graceful.

They don’t make kids like they used to:
Ariana: I saw a rotary phone and thought, “How does that even work? And how do you text with it??”

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